Basic Wiring of Bluetooth Module Pins are listed below:
RF-star series module:
The pins need to be connected during transparent transmission test and debug: VCC, GND, TX, RX, BRTS, BCTS, EN (Active low for BRTS, BCTS and EN pins).
The pins need to be connected during broadcasting: VCC, GND, EN.
The pins need to be connected during flashing firmware (by J-Link or offline writer): SWC, SWD, VCC, GND, RES.
TI series module:
The pins need to be connected during transparent transmission test and debug: VCC, GND, TX, RX, RES, BRTS, BCTS, EN (Active low for BRTS, BCTS and EN pins).
The pins need to be connected during flashing firmware:
Nordic series module, Siliconlabs series module, TI CC26X2 series module:
Nordic series modules:
Silicon Labs series modules
TI series modules:
The pins need to be connected during transparent transmission test and debug: VCC, GND, TX, RX, RES, RTS, CTS (Active low for RTS and CTS).
The pins need to be connected during broadcasting (Beacon): VCC, GND.
The pins need to be connected during flashing firmware (by J-Link): SWC, SWD, VCC, GND, RES.
Because each module has different definitions of BRTS, BCTS and CTS, RTS, it is recommended to connect those pins to avoid the problem that may be caused during the transparent transmission.
Some of RF-star BLE modules (a few modules do not) have a sleep status indicator pin and a connection status indicator pin. Those pins are used to know the current Bluetooth module status or use an LED to indicate the current Bluetooth status through MCU.